MYS Pastry School


a 60 days mentorship program in the basics of bread making

Imagine if…

  • …you were able to bake breads with confidence, without each bake feeling like a gamble.

  • … you knew exactly what you were doing in the kitchen and knew all the answers, so that you were able to troubleshoot whenever needed

  • … you knew the basics and foundations of bread making, allowing you to bake amazingggg breads whenever you wished.

  • … you could bake fresh, artisan bread at home (maybe even sourdough), without relying on supermarket breads and actually enjoy what you’re putting into your body.

  • … you were able to adapt and change a recipe as per YOUR needs because you understood the science behind bread-baking.

  • … you had a wide knowledge of different types of bread, allowing your creativity to flow and bake beautiful breads for your friends and family.

  • … you had on-demand mentorship & guidance for whenever you feel “stuck” in your bread journey- and you never had to feel alone or frustrated. 


Want to make this your reality?

Bake Better Bread is your blueprint to achieve this, and much more.

Our speciality: RESULTS!


Your guide to becoming a confident, empowered baker

Bake Better Bread (or BBB as we lovingly call it) is a 60 days step-by-step mentorship program that will help you build your foundations in bread-making as a skill, and make you a confident baker. Or if you want to be fancy-a confident boulangère (female) / boulanger (male). 

Whether you’re a newbie or a baking enthusiast, Bake Better Bread name is here to teach you the essentials of bread making-give you the core knowledge and practice, to allow you to bake artisan breads at home, with confidence.

This is not just another program that churns out recipes and tutorials your way…at MYS Pastry School, we believe in creating baking leaders. 

Inside this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about bread-making through our detailed 8 weeks curriculum. Think, different types of breads, types of pre-ferment, understanding hydration, the science behind bread-making, and so on. 

Each week, you’ll be given an assignment to complete and by the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll have learnt a variety of breads, techniques, and built a deep understanding of bread-making as a skill. These skills and knowledge will set a strong foundation for you to be a professional baker

And if you run into questions or feel “stuck”- I’ve got you. 

Inside Bake Better Bread, you will gain access to unlimited daily support inside our private support community, and weekly group calls with your mentor, a trained professional pastry chef & boulangere- aka me. I’ll help you troubleshoot, get more clarity on your techniques, and ensure you’re growing in your skill set. 

Anytime you need help, simply post in our private support community and attend your weekly coaching calls with me. Customised, on- demand mentorship is only one click away. 

And that’s not all, I’m also your accountability coach which means I help you stay accountable to your goals and stay productive and on-track

We make it really hard for you to fail.

Like everything we do here at MYS Pastry School, Bread Course is the perfect blend of EDUCATION, ACCOUNTABILITY, SUPPORT & ACTION. 

Student works- gallery

Is this you?

  1. You’re passionate about bread-making and want to explore waters beyond the humble cinnamon rolls…maybe even sourdough, though that feels a bit “ambitious”.

  2. You want to bake fresh, artisan bread at home, but you don’t feel confident in your skill set as a baker because you don’t fully understand the bread making concepts and the co-relation between different ingredients yet, like ideal dough consistency, hydration levels, fermentation, etc. 

  3. You’re not sure how the mysteries of yeast works, things like proofing, how to proof in different conditions, why a certain bread takes 2 hours vs some take 16 hours..and so on.

  4. You’re seeking to understand the WHY behind bread-making, and diving into the science behind it so that you know how to change and adapt a recipe to suit your needs, and if something goes wrong, you know exactly why and what to fix. 

  5. You’re tired of trial & error or making “average” bread. You want to bake bread that’s even better than store-bought, minus all the funny stuff.

If the above statements describe YOU, then

Bake Better Bread is the perfect solution for you. 

How does this work?

  • Proven techniques for results:

    No more guessing and wondering if you’re doing the right things - we dive DEEP into the techniques and the ins & outs of bread-making to help you build your basic foundation. You know what you’re doing and WHY you’re doing it.

  • Unlimited, on-demand mentorship:

    We hold group coaching calls every week to give customised, in-depth coaching. Or opt for 1:1 mentorship if you want a more personalised experience. Daily support is available anytime you need a helping hand. All you need to do is post your questions in our private student community.

  • Detailed curriculum:

    When you join Bake Better Bread, you’ll be given access to 8 modules of currciculum. It’s dripped out week-by-week, so you have time to learn & practice before going onto the next step.

  • Lifetime access:

    When you join Bake Better Bread, you’re given lifetime access to the curriculum and ALL future program updates. Even after the 8 weeks of community support, the educational modules & resources will be here for you every step of your journey, along with an alumni group for continued support.

  • Ruthless Accountability:

    When you join Bake Better Bread, you have your own accountability coach, who will help you track your progress, to get you un-stuck, and hold you accountable EVERY single week.

  • Supportive community:

    MYS Pastry School is all about the community, and we have the best students. You’ll be warmly welcomed into an active community of other like-minded bakers who you can connect with throughut your journey.

What our students are saying..

What’s inside..

Module 1

Breaking down bread-making: we break down the entire process of bread-making, from all the different concepts like gluten, fermentation, hydration, proofing, shaping, pre-ferments, and beyond. You’ll understand the ins and outs of bread-making, why we do certain things and the necessary steps to bake successful breads, every single time. 

Module 2

Milk bread: Learn how to make one of the most basic and most popular doughs of all time. In this module, we’ll learn the base technique behind it, along with how you can use it three different ways- Classic White Loaf, Burger Buns and Miso- Peanut Swirl Bread.

Module 3

Brioche: Brioche is one of the most quintessential breads that every baker must know. Howver, making good brioche is a masterful skill in itself and in this module, we are going to learn how to work with enriched doughs. Understand how fat interacts with protein and the technique behind making this pillowy soft, melt in your mouth bread. We will use this classic dough to make Doughnuts, Custard Buns & Cream Cheese- Jalapeño Braided Loaf.

Module 4

Wholegrain breads: In this module, we are gonna break down what really goes behind using whole-grains in bread-making and how you can use them to bake bread that is not only healthy, but also have amazing texture. No more dense loaves of bread- we’re going to bake bread that is soft and fluffy, without any nasties! You’ll learn two types of bread- Wholewheat Loaf with an Oat Crust and a Seeded Multigrain Loaf.

Module 5

Baguette: In this module, we’re diving into the world of European lean breads, starting with the classic and very popular French Baguette. We’re gonna learn all about lean breads, working with pre-ferments, how to work with higher hydration doughs and most importantly, how to get the most gorgeous crusts on our breads.

Module 6

Italian breads: Diving deeper into European breads, we’re gonna explore the Italian waters and learn about the classic Italian “Slipper” bread- Ciabatta. In this module, we’re gonna break down the building blocks behind making a good ciabatta. We’re also going to learn all about Focaccia and how to make the two most popular Italian breads.

Module 7

Sourdough!!! YES, we’re going to dive deep into the world of sourdough and break down the ins and outs of this ancient bread. We’ll start with making our own sourdough starter, explore the mysterious world of wild yeast, and learn all about how to make a good loaf of Sourdough, with ease. Once you go sourdough, you never go back…or something like that ;)

Module 8

Laminated Brioche: In this module, boulangerie meets patisserie to produce a cute little viennoiserie baby. This is an introduction to viennoiserie where you’ll learn how to use our bread-making skills and combine it with other skills like lamination, to make something truly beautiful. Lamination is a skill in itself to master, and we’re gonna learn all about how to champion this masterful technique.

Why is BBB different?

Inside Bake Better Bread:

  • I go in depth and start with the basics to build foundational skills that will create a strong base for your growth.

  • I have gone through a fair share of trials and failures for the both of us to know what works and teach you all the proven methods and techniques that actually work.

  • I’ll teach you the very basics of bread-making, step by step and in great detail so that you’re actually progressing in your skill set.

  • No more guesswork or wondering what’s gone wrong because I dive deep into the science behind bread-making that will empower you to be more confident in the kitchen.

  • I support you with LIVE coaching calls every week, as well as unlimited daily support.

  • I am 100% results-driven - you get lifetime access to the material as well as access to our private alumni group for continued support.

By the end of Bake Better Bread, you will:

  • Be able to bake with confidence. The satisfaction and peace of mind knowing you truly know what you’re doing.

  • Have a plethora of techniques, recipes and bread-making skills under your belt to be a skilled boulangère/ boulanger.

  • Have the joy of baking fresh, artisan bread at home that is both good for the body and the soul.

  • Have the ability to start baking professionally.

  • Live a stress-free life where you no longer panic if something doesn’t work out. You’ve got this.

  • Be knee deep in compliments because you’re going to become everybody’s #1 favourite (if you aren’t already that is hehe) who’s got the yummy goodzz.

Meet your mentor

You’ve scrolled allllll the way to the bottom of this page, which means… you’re probably wondering “who is the little rascal that put this thing together?” ....You’re looking at her. Hi!

I’m Rajeshwari (you can call me RJ) and I founded MYS Pastry School for one simple reason: I know how it feels to be you. I know exactly how it feels to be a struggling baker. I’ve been baking for almost 20 years, which is practically most of my life and trust me, I’ve gone through my fair share of trials & errors for the both of us.

As much joy as baking brings me, I do understand how frustrating and discouraging it feels when you’ve spent so much time, energy, money and most importantly, love into making something, and it doesn’t turn out quite as you had expected. Worse part being- you have no clue what went wrong and how to fix it.

I was incredibly passionate about baking, but I quickly learned that unless you understand the science behind baking, and have a strong foundation in the basics, it’s not possible to be a skilled baker that you can be.

Through the mentorship programs, my aim is to help you build a strong baking foundation, so that you understand the very basics of baking, the science behind it and most importantly, feel confident in your skill set. Most bakers don’t have a starting point, let alone a clear understanding of basics. And this is exactly what this course offers. So that next time you’re in the kitchen, you know exactly what you’re doing, how to troubleshoot & customise to make a recipe your own. Instead of relying on recipes like a crutch & googling answers, you now are able to rely on your knowledge to bake beautiful, delicious breads with ease & confidence.

If you are ready to bake professional quality artisan breads with confidence in the next 60 days…